The Fasting Bear
Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Day 20/48. Last Known Weight @ 180.7 kg.

Created at:

Written by: Fasting Bear

Seems like a weird title for a first post. But not much sense trying to get it perfect the first time. So here goes.

As you may have deduced from the blog's name and this post's title, I'm a very overweight person trying to become a normal weight by fasting. I'm a man in fact. As far as I can tell, I was born with a penis and testes, and still retain them to this day.

I'm not sure what the dictionary definition of fasting is, but as far as this blog is concerned, it's the severe restriction of caloric intake to induce fast weight loss. In my case, fast works out to around an average of -0.67 kg per day.

There's no set duration inherent to my definition of fasting. And I've done it for anywhere from a fraction of a day up to a record of 40 days. This time, I'm trying to do it for 48 days.

I've been fasting for quite sometime now. About five years. And unless I had an ungodly amount of weight to lose, it's reasonable to deduce that I should have reached a normal weight by now. Except I haven't. And it's not because I do have an ungodly amount of weight to lose. Not an amount that five years of fasting shouldn't have been able to handle anyway. After all, it's fasting that got me from around 200 kg to around 150 kg in as little as three months.

The actual reason I haven't been able to reach a normal weight thus far is the same reason I got to become a 200 kg behemoth in the first place. I eat way too fucking much. And no matter how much closer I get to becoming a normal weight, I always find a way to eat myself back to where I started.

I can sit and hypothesize, analyze, and theorize about why I eat too much all eternity long. But doing that never gave me any useful information as to how to stop eating too much. And I've come to accept that indulging into such thoughts is a fruitless endeavor that better be left lying.

Over these years, many reasons have prompted me to get back to trying to fast myself into a normal weight. The latest of which is a sudden and severe bout of pain to both one of my knees and ankles. I maintained mobility throughout the worst of it and am gradually becoming better, but having such an experience in my early thirties gave me a glance into a very probable and frightening future. A future where I can't even walk around and are left to waste away, or even worse, become a burden to people who actually care about me. No thanks.

Other than having a clear motive and just doing it, writing about my fasting experience seemed to immensely help me stay on track during my last bout of extended fasting. Starting a blog had also been a longstanding desire of mine fore some reason, and here we are.

For the time being, I will be writing in fair detail about my current fast. I'll try my best to stick to the format of one post every three days. Each post will include my current weight at the time, and an honest attempt at providing accurate progress pictures that aren't outright porno. I still have that to figure it, as well as editing my blog into a layout and style that I feel comfortable with.

I hope my ramblings weren't too obnoxious to read through. See you next post. 👋